Community Ticket Request

Community Ticket Request
De la NZD 0,00 NZ$
  • Durata: 1 Zile
  • Locatie: Auckland

Wellbeing in Nature

We are providing an accessible gateway to reconnect people with whānau, nature and wildlife to enhance their wellbeing right here in Tamaki Mākaurau – all for free! Explore 16 hectares and discover over 144 different native and exotic species (around 1400 animals) set in beautifully designed habitats and botanical immersive tracks – which invites us to all play a role as kaitiaki (guardians) for our taiao (natural environment).  

Our community ticket initiative provides free tickets for our communities where the price of admission tickets remains one of the biggest obstacles to visit.   

Community tickets are available given as priority to individuals and community groups in the below list: 

  1. Households on low income / unemployed  
  2. People with additional needs and/or disabilities  
  3. Front-line essential workers - such as healthcare workers and essential services such as supermarket, foodbank staff, and bus drivers, etc.  
  4. Low decile schools or ECE centres from low socio economic communities 
  5. Organisations that work with individuals that fit the above criteria 
There is a limit of 10 tickets per booking, and there must be at least 1 adult per 6 children.

Tickets are not transferable outside of the whanau bubble that tickets have been applied for and are not for resale.

Tickets must be applied for 72 hours before the preferred visit date.